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    Babasons, Mega Mart and Macro Mart are, in Bahrain, the face of the large and successful network of companies: T. Choithram and Sons, which was established in 1944 in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Since then, it has developed into an international company spanning Europe, North America, Africa as well as the Gulf. The company is a private business that also funds and manages a group of schools and hospitals in India and West Africa.

    In the 1970s Choithrams came to the Emirates and since then their supermarkets have found locations throughout the Gulf, namely Oman, Bahrain and Qatar. The company brought with it international expertise, networks and connections developed over 70 years in 25 countries.

    Since then there has been no looking back and Choithrams today is a trusted name and a significant contributor to the fast-paced economic and social growth of the Gulf region.

    With 8 major Mega Mart and 2 Macro Mart outlets Babasons/Mega Mart is, today, the largest chain of supermarkets in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Their popularity and success are largely a result of conveniently located stores, which enjoy the significant support of most well-known brands and agency lines. These in turn are drawn by their ability to provide prime product displays, facilities for below-the-line marketing, test launching of promotional offers and even conducting valuable consumer surveys to help formulate sound and effective strategies for brand development.

    Prompt and Planned Distribution: Babasons/ Mega Mart maintains an up-to-date and extensive Warehouse with a massive freezer capacity. The well-networked distribution centres are supported by a fleet of delivery vehicles to ensure prompt product availability even in the remotest of outlets throughout the Kingdom.

    Babasons/ Mega Mart are exclusive distributors for famous brands including, among scores of other names, such popular products as Capillano (Australian honey), Bikaji, Dewlands, Frito-Lays, Heartbeat (Candy), Kimball, Klassno, Mother Recipe (pickles from India), Nanak (frozen products), Parlé, Pure Foods, Stute (UK diabetic products) Tate-Lyle, Shan and many more.